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Career Services

Career Services

Career Development


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Phone:  (972) 647-1607

Class Location: Rooms vary by session


Nurse Assisting students have a one-day workshop.

Prerequisite:  None

Maximum Student/Teacher Lecture Ratio: 50 to 1

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This subject is designed to assist the student in obtaining entry-level employment after graduation. This course is presented in segments, and most segments require some form of homework assignment.


  • Apply knowledge and skills to develop a unique and practical plan to become a highly marketable professional.
  • Compose a cover letter and résumé/biography or infomercial with a uniquely customized approach in order to stand out as a candidate at a job interview.
  • Execute a job search that utilizes organizational and job-seeking skills to be successful in career management.
  • Identify job opportunities and how to effectively turn them into interviews and job offers.
  • Interview confidently and successfully to get the job by knowing how to successfully answer standard and behavioral interview questions.


  • Notebook and a pen. Be prepared to take organized lecture notes.
  • Blue or black pen only.

Career Development Course Benefits

Career Development classes can help you to:

1. Learn more about yourself:

  • Gain awareness and knowledge of self by assessing interests, abilities/ transferable skills, values, and personality as they relate to career choices.
  • Explore lifestyles, sense of meaning, and contributions to society.
  • A career counselor may choose to administer and interpret a career assessment, if needed.

2. Gain educational and occupational information:

  • Identify and become familiar with various educational and career related resources (i.e. Internet, printed materials).
  • Gather, summarize, and process information about occupations as they relate to nature of work, working conditions, job market, world and U.S. job trends, employment outlook, earnings and salary, educational/academic training, and related occupations.
  • Gather, summarize, and process information about academic options and college requirements.
  • Generate career options and alternative plans as needed.

3. Learn about decision-making and career planning:

  • Learn decision-making styles and strategies applied to career decision-making.
  • Clarify and set realistic and achievable goals.
  • Develop and implement an action plan related to a career path,
  • A career counselor can assist you to develop coping skills to manage anxiety, deal with rejections, disappointments, grieving issues, lacking of confidence, stress, and/or depression associated with career choices, among others.
  • Conduct an effective job search.

Mission Statement

The primary mission of the Career Services department is to coach, prepare, and support students to become the best career-ready applicants in today’s work environment through educational and student learning experiences. We are committed to guiding students through personal discovery of their unique gifts and talents and to teach them how to integrate them into meaningful entry level employment upon graduation.

Career Services empowers students to take control of their own professional development and job search by providing the following tools and services:

  • Career Counseling
  • Comprehensive Career Development Training
  • Job and Externship Listings
  • On-Campus Recruiting

Texas Apprentice Court Reporter

Synopsis of Presentation By Janice Eidd-Meadows

Janice Eidd-Meadows, CSR, Texas Director of Reporter Relations/Compliance Operations for Lexitas, and a member of the JBCC Advisory Board for the Supreme Court of Texas, spoke to our court reporting students on November 19, 2019. She discussed the opportunities for employment and training with Lexitas and explained the new licenses that will be offered by the JBCC.

1. Apprenticeship license.

  1. Must have passed the CSR written exam.
  2. Must have been fingerprinted.
  3. Must pass at least one leg of the Texas CSR exam.
  4. Must have a sponsor who is a Texas CSR in good standing.

Anyone who meets the requirements outlined above will be eligible to apply for an apprenticeship license. The apprentice reporter will be allowed to take depositions (excluding medical, technical, or expert testimony). The apprentice reporter’s transcripts must be reviewed and approved by the sponsor. The apprentice reporter will be paid, but the rate of pay has not been determined yet since the sponsor will also have to be paid. The apprenticeship license will be effective for a period of two to three years. This has not yet been determined. The apprentice reporter will continue to take the Texas CSR exam until he/she passes all three legs at one testing and qualifies as a Texas CSR, at which time, the apprenticeship license will be replaced with a CSR license. The above requirements are retroactive to the October 2019 test.

2. Provisional License.

  1. Must be licensed in the state where the reporter has been reporting and must have worked as a reporter for three of the past five years.
  2. Must pass the Texas CSR written exam.
  3. Must be fingerprinted.

The provisional reporter can work in Texas until he/she passes the Texas CSR skills exam. The term of the provisional license will probably be two years.

3. Endorsement.

  1. Must be licensed in a state recognized by Texas as having substantially equivalent testing requirements. At this time, there are nine states that fit into that category.
  2. Must have worked in their state as a reporter for three of the past five years.
  3. Must pass the Texas CSR written exam.
  4. Must be fingerprinted.

The reporter receiving an endorsement may work in Texas immediately. However, if the reporter received his/her license in a state that permits the CSR to be passed in legs and the reporter passed the exam in legs, the reporter will have to take the Texas CSR skills exam and pass all three legs at one test. The endorsement will probably be effective for two years.

4. Reciprocity.

  1. If Texas is able to enter into reciprocity agreements with any other state, then reporters from Texas would be allowed to work in that state and reporters from that state would be allowed to work in Texas.

Janice doubts that Texas will be able to enter into reciprocity agreements with any other states. Texas has tried for several years to enter into a reciprocity agreement with California, but California has been unwilling to do so.

There is a meeting of the committee on Friday, November 22,2019, and another one in December. The committee will hopefully be able to finalize its recommendations for the above new licenses. Then they have to be posted for review and approved by the entire JBCC board. The final step is approval by the Supreme Court of Texas. Janice pointed out that the statutes have already passed, so it is just a matter of receiving all the proper approvals to the finalized proposals and implementing the new licenses.